Combination buckets let you get more done without swapping attachments. 

‘With the combination bucket you’ve got four cutting edges. You’ve got the ability to open it up so you can grapple, you can scoop dirt, you can dump dirt without having to tip the whole load over. So it’s just more efficient to use a combination bucket for clearing, grading – anything, really,’ says Bobcat Specialist Mike Webb.

This attachment is so versatile it’s also called a four-in-one bucket. Use it for dozing, leveling and spreading material with the clamshell open.

Four-in-ones are easy to operate. Just hit the auxiliary button on your skid steer or track loader, and a simple toggle activates the opening and closing of the clamshell. This allows you to control the distribution of gravel or dirt over an area or dump it one place.

You can also use the clamshell to scoop or pinch materials. ‘If you were using a regular bucket and needed to pick something up, you’d have to change out your bucket,’ says Mike. ‘That’s basically downtime. It’s not efficient.’ The grapple capability of the combination bucket lets you grab logs or rocks to quickly move them.

So if you do more than dig, four-in-one might be an attachment to consider for your skid steer or track loader.

Triangle Equipment Group stores have combination buckets in sizes to fit MT100 mini track loaders and up. This attachment is also available for Bobcat compact wheel loaders L65, L85 and L95.